Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pays to be patient...

Back in 2005 a group of members of the Goulburn Crookwell Heritage Railway travelled to north west Sydney to transport 8 trikes from private collection back to Crookwell. These were on loan to the GCHR.

My Father and I were among that group with the trusty (now scraped) XF Falcon with car trailer in tow. Neither of us live close to Sydney or Crookwell so it was a long day, if i recall it was 16 hours from go to whoa. Anyway, on the trailer was 2 flat top trailers, 2 TICs and an ST2 Fairmont. Efforts were made to make these part of my collection however he owner didn't want to sell at the time.

So! after 6 years of waiting and waiting aaannnd waiting...The TICs are finally in my possession.  Sadly time has not done them any favors, the elements and rotten thieves have taken their toll. The body work and chassis' are write-offs from rust and important parts are missing since they were delivered.

Here is TIC 60/60

The parts missing (read stolen) are the fuel tank, the headlight, ignition coil and clutch adjuster. The last being near impossible to replace being long out of production. And to top it off, being left out in the weather for the last 3.5 years, the engine is siezed.

TIC 60/229

Pinched from 229 was the carburetor and air cleaner, clutch adjuster and just in the last week the pulley ring off the flywheel. Its engine is seized as well.

It was to be expected really, they have been out in the open, anyone and everyone had access to them. Just a shame as they were complete. I can't complain to much, the deal was right and I got them for far less than I was offering 7 years ago.

All loaded in Sydney ready to leave for Crookwell 2005

Neither will be restored, their parts will be used to put other TIC chassis I have together, 60/113. It can be seen on my site

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